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Drywall Repairs Showing Through Paint

Question: I had to do some drywall repairs, I’ve repainted but I can still see the areas that I repaired through the new paint. What did I do wrong?

Answer: There are three possibilities:

  1. The first is that you did not sand the repaired area enough, so that the repaired area is not visible.
  2. It is also possible that you did not feather out the repaired area far enough from the repaired crack.
  3. The third possibility is that you did not use a quality primer on the repaired area before you painted with the finish coat. You should not be able to see the repair through the primer coat.

If it is the repair which was not properly finished you will have to add some joint compound, feather out the repair and then sand it flush with the drywall.

If you did not apply a primer you can try a second coat of the finish paint. However, in many cases this will still not hide the repaired area. You may have to apply a primer or undercoat to the entire wall and then repaint.
