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Expired Silicone Caulk‏

Question: Yesterday I visited my brother-in-law's house where he asked me about a silicone problem he's having. He used an expired tube (expired 3 months ago) of GE Kitchen and Bath Silicone to the corners of his stairs. It was applied two weeks ago and has not cured. He said it didn't have the usual vinegar smell when applying it. The tube hadn't been opened before this application.

Is silicone this sensitive to its expiry date? Would the "no vinegar smell" have more to do with age or bad silicone?

Anyway, is there a bonding agent that could be applied by chance? With no better alternative, what's the best method to remove silicone?

Answer: Most chemicals have a limited package life because they are not packed in a vacuum, so some air does remain in the package.

I am not aware of any bonding agent. Razor blade knife, placed under the edge should remove the silicone relatively easily.
