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Gardening Is Good For The Environment

Protecting the environment should be one of the most important things we do in our lives. For those of us who garden we have a chance to make a big impact on the environment; in a positive or negative way. The methods and procedures we use directly impact ourselves, our neighbors and the planet. The idea is to, at least, leave as small a footprint as we can and, at best, give back to the planet.

Use non-toxic fertilizers with no harmful chemicals such as organic manure - this may sound horrible, but it's so much better than harmful chemicals. I believe you can also get organic pesticides, but you can trap slugs using pools of beer, kill aphids with ladybirds and so on.

The best way to insure we give back and protect the environment is to compost. Recycling garden waste is a wonderful method to grow more soil. Instead of creating more fill for dumps, composting is a very useful method for protecting the planet.

With the use of compost in our garden we cut down on many products that are man-made and take away from precious resources this old globe. Compost allows us to use much less, if any, non-organic fertilizers. It makes our plants healthier which reduces the need for chemicals to control weeds, insects, and disease.

Growing your own flowers, vegetables, and herbs, in the most environmentally sound way, cuts down the need for bad practices to provide us with those products which are fresher, healthier for us and impact the environment in the least negative way. The whole idea of any yard or garden is to make it useful in the most useful way and in such a way that the environment is impacted the least or even made better.

Plant a tree or two - this will help use up quite a large amount of CO2 and replace it with oxygen, which I'm sure you'll agree is more useful. They also look attractive, and if you buy a fruit tree, then you can get fruit too!

Obviously this depends on the size of your garden and where you live...but anything leafy will do. Don't have a garden? Buy a houseplant. Don't have a house? Plant a flower in someone's garden. I'm sure they won't mind...just don't let them see you. And you didn't hear it from me.

Replace the gasoline lawnmower with a cordless battery or electrical model without using fuel. We can all practice ways to help our planet. It's not only good for us. It's good for everyone.
