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How To Become The Roofing Subcontractor

A Roofing Subcontractor is an expert in the installation and repair of roofs for both residential and commercial structures. Working under the direction of a general contractor, you play a vital role in construction projects and roof repair jobs. As the demand for roofing subcontractors increases, various online platforms list subcontractor jobs online. This article will fully elucidate all that you will need to become a subcontractor.

Each roofing job presents unique challenges and requirements, requiring your expertise and specialized skills to ensure successful completion. Depending on the scale of the project, you may work independently or manage a team of workers to assist you.

In the section below, the various steps to adopt to become a subcontractor will be enunciated.

house next to water

Steps To Become A Roofing Contractor

  • Get Professional Assistance
  • If you're planning to file your LLC as a subcontractor, it's highly advisable to seek professional assistance. Hiring someone knowledgeable in handling contracts, paperwork, and insurance matters is essential. Avoid purchasing a generic policy; prioritize obtaining comprehensive coverage to ensure your protection. It's crucial to have a reliable CPA who can accurately file your tax paperwork and a competent lawyer who will handle all necessary filings mandated by the state. By ensuring your paperwork is meticulously prepared from the outset, you can prevent potentially costly issues that could cost you thousands, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars on your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Choose A Business Name
  • When choosing a business name, it's important to prioritize clarity for consumers. If you're working within the industry as a subcontractor, you have more flexibility in naming your company. It could be named after a specific trade like "Initial Construction Exteriors," as clients are primarily concerned with the quality of your work rather than the name itself. However, when venturing out on your own and seeking independent jobs, creating a memorable name that people can easily remember and pass on without needing to search for it online becomes crucial. The key here is simplicity—less is more. Many beginners make the mistake of trying to showcase a wide range of services to stay busy, but this can be counterproductive. As a roofing, flooring, or painting contractor, it's unlikely that you'll have a steady stream of work initially. Instead of listing every service on magnets or truck signage, focus on a concise and memorable name representing your expertise in a specific trade. Doing so increases your chances of securing more jobs within that specific trade.
  • Utilize Accounting Softwares
  • laptop with money

  • It's crucial to get your accounting for your business. No more relying on Excel spreadsheets or manually reconciling bank accounts. Instead, integrate your banking with accounting software. You can easily determine your financial standing by consulting it and working with your accountant. It's alarming to hear that even a business owner with a $30 million enterprise didn't know their financial position due to inaccurate reports. As a subcontractor, managing money is relatively straightforward since transactions are simplified. However, running a business requires a deeper understanding of your finances. It's not just about knowing the balance in your bank account; you need to be aware of your financial standing on your books, which can be two different figures. You might think you have a positive balance of $250,000 in your bank account, but in reality, you could be in debt by $200,000, putting you in a hole of $200,000. That's why I highly recommend using accounting software.
  • Invest In A CRM
  • Investing in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for your business is essential. In the current business landscape, achieving success as a contractor is nearly impossible without a robust CRM system. While as a subcontractor, you may have been able to manage your business using paper-based processes, such as receiving work orders via email or printed copies and submitting them once completed, transitioning to a contractor role introduces numerous complexities. As a contractor, you will have multiple moving parts to handle. You need to clearly understand your finances, ensure accountability among your crews and employees, track job progress, and maintain effective communication with homeowners. Managing all these aspects without a CRM system can quickly become overwhelming and increase the likelihood of failure. Investing in a CRM system will streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and ultimately contribute to the success of your contracting business.
  • Research The Market
  • Conducting market research involves studying and understanding your target market and its dynamics. In today's digital age, market research involves online and local investigations. To perform an online market study:
  • Search for your primary trade and city's name online and on other social media platforms. Take note of the companies that appear on the first page of search results and those with a strong online presence.
  • Compile a comprehensive list of your competitors and their online advertising channels.
  • Also, delve into your local market. Identify your city's most popular TV stations, radio shows, local sports teams, newspaper and community events. Attend expos and trade shows as a consumer or conduct secret shopper visits to assess the presence of your competition. Take note of the level of support for local teams, community engagement, and advertising activities.
  • Invest In Professional Presentation Tools
  • Investing in a professional presentation tool is crucial to your success. Whether conducting in-person meetings or remotely via platforms like Zoom, you must present yourself and your services polishedly. To stand out and win over customers, especially in your first year of business, you must exude professionalism and give homeowners compelling reasons to choose you over your competition.
  • While subcontractors often rely on their reputation and competitive pricing to secure contracts from builders and contractors, homeowners require more assurance. They want to feel confident in their decision and see evidence of your organizational skills on the job site and in your office operations. This is where a well-crafted presentation becomes invaluable.
  • Set Yourself Apart
  • One of the most crucial tasks when starting a new business is to differentiate yourself in the market. Ask yourself, "What kind of products can I offer that my competition doesn't?" and "What services have less competition and higher profit margins?" Regarding exterior remodeling services, focusing on repairs, maintenance, and gutters can be more profitable with less competition. Also, choosing smaller niche products is also beneficial because you don't want to be one of five estimates offering the same product as the other four. Additionally, aspects like being an immigrant, having an accent, being a minority, or being a woman-owned business can all work in your favor. These unique qualities differentiate you from others and are positive attributes. Embrace your differences and develop a personal brand. Consider why your friends and family like you and bring those personal qualities into your business. Remember, people buy from people they like, people who are relatable to them.


Following these steps, you can embark on a path toward becoming a highly sought-after subcontractor in your area. This journey can lead to a fulfilling career and make your dream of becoming a subcontractor a reality.