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Common Issues You Might Face When Renovating Your Loft Space

Expanding your loft can be an ideal way to make the most of your home. Loft conversions have become increasingly popular among homeowners looking to expand their living space. It is a great way to create additional space without the hassle of moving house. Whether you are seeking an extra bedroom, a home office or a playroom, converting your loft can add significant value to your home. In fact, loft conversions are one of the most cost-effective ways to increase your property's square footage and value.

However, before you start planning your new loft space, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges you might face. Especially if your attic has been undisturbed for years, you could encounter several issues that need addressing. Here are some common problems homeowners face when renovating their loft spaces.

Pests And Nests

One of the first issues you might encounter in an untouched loft is the presence of pests. Attics provide a quiet, undisturbed environment that is ideal for vermin such as wasps, mice, and birds to nest. Discovering an infestation can be quite unsettling, and moving nests can be a tricky and potentially dangerous task. Most pests can become protective and aggressive if they feel threatened. Therefore, it is not advisable to handle this on your own.

Hiring a professional pest control service, like Invicta Environmental is the safest and most effective way to deal with an infestation. These experts have the right tools and knowledge to remove pests humanely and prevent them from returning.

Height Restrictions

Another common issue with loft conversions is height restrictions. The height of your loft will significantly impact what you can do with the space. If your attic has a low ceiling, it may not be suitable for a traditional room. Therefore you may need to consider and factor in significant alterations.

For taller individuals, a low ceiling can be particularly problematic. You might find yourself constantly bumping your head or feeling claustrophobic. Before you start your renovation, measure the height of your loft at its highest and lowest points. This will help you determine if the space can be used as intended. You may have to complete structural changes, such as raising the roof.

Stair Placement Challenges

Accessing your new loft space will require a proper staircase. This will present its own set of challenges. Most lofts are accessed by ladders or pull-down stairs, which are fine for occasional use but not practical for a regularly used room.

Installing a staircase means you will need to find space on the floor below. However, this can be tricky in smaller homes. The placement of the staircase should be both convenient and aesthetically pleasing. You also need to ensure that it does not obstruct existing rooms or hallways. This might require reconfiguring your current layout or even extending your home.

Lack Of Boards

Many attics are not initially designed to be living spaces. Therefore, they may lack proper flooring. Walking on exposed joists is dangerous and an unboarded attic cannot support furniture or heavy storage.

Before you can transform your loft into a usable space, you will need to install proper loft boarding and flooring. This process involves laying down boards to create a stable, level surface. It might be tempting to attempt this as a DIY project, but it is often best to hire a flooring expert. They can ensure the job is done safely and to a high standard.