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T Channel Positioning For A Suspended Ceiling

Determining the positioning of the T channels, that support the suspended ceiling tiles, requires some patience and sometimes a bit of trial and error.

The original drawing that was produced on the graph paper will now be used to determine the best positioning of the T channels.

  1. Main T
  2. Cross T

Using the graph paper layout - Figure 1, insert a line in the center of the widest point of the walls. This line will represent the position of the first main T as shown in Figure 2.

Ceiling layout on graph paper
Figure 1 - Ceiling layout on graph paper
Position of 1st main <q>T</q> for suspended ceiling
Figure 2 - Position of 1st main T for suspended ceiling

Add lines to represent the additional main T at 4' intervals as, shown in Figure 3.

Position of additional main <q>T</q> for suspended ceiling
Figure 3 - Position of additional main T for suspended ceiling

This layout would appear to be acceptable. At the widest part of the room there is an equal amount of ceiling tile on each side of the main ceiling tile support T.

The cross T must be calculated in the same manner. Start by placing the first cross T in the center of the room and add cross T out from that T at 2' intervals, as shown in Figure 4. The first cross T is shown in green with the other cross Ts shown in orange.

This layout would appear to be acceptable. At the widest part of the room there is an equal amount of ceiling tile on each side of the main ceiling tile support T.

The cross Ts must be calculated in the same manner. Start by placing the first cross T in the center of the room and add cross T out from that T at 2' intervals, as shown in Figure 4. The first cross T is shown in green with the other cross T shown in orange.

Position of cross <q>T</q>s for a suspended ceiling
Figure 4 - Position of cross T for a suspended ceiling

Back To Installing Suspended Ceilings

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3